Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Biographies of Contributors


Margaret Coldiron was born in Butte, Montana, received a BA in English & Comparative Literature from William Smith College (NY) and trained as an actress at the Drama Centre London. Having worked for a number of years as an actress and director in the professional theatre and actor training, she completed an MA in Text and Performance Studies at Kings College, London and a PhD in Drama at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is a specialist in Asian performance and has done field work in Thailand, Bali, Japan and Kerala. Research interests include: masks and masking; intercultural performance; ethnography and the neurophysiological implications of performance techniques. She is a member of the Asian Studies Association, the Association for Asian Performance and the Directors’ Guild of Great Britain. Her book, Trance and Transformation of the Actor in Japanese Noh and Balinese Dance Drama was published by Edwin Mellen Press in 2004.