Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Biographies of Contributors


Necla Çıkıgil has a B.A.  degree in English literature and Language. Due to her interest in ballet (she is a graduate of Fenmen Ballet School in Ankara) and theatre she started research work on Shakespeare’s ballets while working for an M.A. degree in Shakespeare Studies, at the Shakespeare Institute in Birmingham University.While she was working for an M.A. degree she also studied Historical Dances.This allowed her to teach Medieval and Renaisaance Dances to the ballet students of the State Conservatory in Ankara. After receiving her  M.A. degree, she conducted further research to get a Ph.D. (with a dissertation on A Semiotic Analysis of Shakespeare’s  Ballets) in Theatre in Ankara University.Her major  publications are in transformation of literary works into dance (the changing  language and signs), theatrical  performances of Shakespeare’s works (Shakespeare on stage), world theatre, English language, Academic Oral Presentation Skills (theatricality and presentation skills) .She also writes ballet and play reviews for national and international journals. Currently, she is an instructor of History of Theatre and English in Middle East Technical University, Ankara where she has been teaching since 1981.