Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Biographies of Contributors


Verita Sriratana is a recipient of the Anandamahidol Foundation Scholarship under the Royal Patronage of HM the King of Thailand. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts (First class honours with highest achievement) degree in English at Chulalongkorn University in 2005, her Master of Arts (Distinction) degree in Colonial/Postcolonial Literature in English at the University of Warwick in 2007 with a dissertation entitled “Historical Fiction and Postcolonialism”, and her Doctor of Philosophy degree in English at the University of St Andrews in 2013 with a thesis entitled “‘Making Room’ for One's Own: Virginia Woolf and Technology of Place”. Verita is a current recipient of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the Support of Mobility of Lecturers and Researchers. In March 2013, she has taken up the position of postdoctoral researcher (Vedecká pracovníčka) at the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava. Verita has published articles on British Modernism as well as Czech and Slovak literature and history of the twentieth century. She is currently working towards a monograph on Czecho-Slovak writers and Central European “Realist Modernism”.