Consciousness, Literature and the Arts





Volume 10 Number 1, April 2009


Per Brask




we gather with family every Friday night

mostly for the sake of the grandkids

for them to remember that being Jews is fun

and is done together


Zevi, almost 4, and Naomi, almost 2, play

draw pictures, practice the alphabet, have a little fight, which could lead to time out

Zevi leads the blessing of the candle lighting, we all sing amen

Naomi intones the last syllable loudly, and we move on to bless the challah

Zevi eats with ketchup and Naomi with hup-up and finally someone blesses

the coke zero for none of us is a wine drinker

the chicken is usually pretty good, but Sam would rather have something else


when we’re all done no one among us is in doubt of who we are

and where we belong – a feeling we will renew in another week’s time