Consciousness, Literature and the Arts





Volume 14 Number 3, December 2013


notes on jade mccutcheon’s lecture




Anton Krueger

Rhodes University, South Africa


jade mccutcheon seems frail, as though

she’s growing more ephemeral, as if

she’s letting her self go...


jade mccutcheon says selves can’t be separated

the idea of my self and your self is false, 

because there is only one self...


she says peter brook wants connections

between audience & actors – a single vibration;

the performance of self beyond the material.


we are all the same

            here in this room.


jade mccutcheon says grotowski asks:


“who is singing?”


is it  you or your grandmother

singing her life through you?

or is it everyone from her village,

her time, her place, her lineage...


do many actors have

out of body experiences?


is a core consciousness bit by bit 

created as consciousness extends?

are we part of an invisible being,

one metaphysical body?


i tend to believe everything,

that everything is true...


jade mccutcheon says stanislavski wrote about

the pull between performer and audience,

about how the exchange happens,

about how one can allow oneself to flow

into moments and situations...


go with it...relax into

the impulse of the energy...


everything you do is the right thing to do,

it’s impossible to be wrong...


there is no non-being, no negative

of being, no opposite / zero and one

are both states of being and

death is also a way of being.


dark matter holds the universe together...


everything is exactly the way it is…

all thinking is false...your brain

is breathing through you,

something singing through you.


thinking is more opposite

to being than death.


no eyes, no ears,

no embodiment –


“where is your home?”


jade mccutcheon is slipping away,

speaking softly her last thoughts,

her last life preparing

her awakening body

for its last dream...